My Approach to Therapy

I am informed by the following therapy approaches/orientations. Below are brief explanations of each.
I hope they offer greater clarity in how I work.

Young BIPOC adult looking out into nature, representing adults that would benefit from online mental health therapy for young adults or Asian Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area, California

Considering and adapting treatment with the understanding of the effects of trauma (trauma being explained as “too much, too fast” from
Somatic Experiencing therapy) on the mind and body’s resources.

Parts Work (Specifically, Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment or “TIST”)
Using a mindfulness lens, looking at one’s problems as a conflict between different parts of one’s whole self; each with their own motivations/drives, protective responses, and worries.

Considering the influence of early childhood relationships with caregivers or “attachment figures” on people’s present life, especially on people’s present relationships.

Liberation Psychology
Considering the interplay between our individual personalities and circumstances, cultural factors (i.e. racism, sexism, classism, ageism), and larger systems/institutions on one’s mental health struggles and goals.

Creating a safe, non-judgmental, empathetic space for people to take a lead in therapy and consequently, strengthening people’s trust in their own voice.

Views problems as being necessarily separate from people and helps empower people to tap into existing skills, beliefs, values, and abilities to reduce the influence of the problem on them.

Hi, I’m Gina. It’s an honor to meet you.

Gina Li, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)/ Therapist, California

I am a licensed mental health therapist based in the Bay Area, who specializes in helping young adults, Asian Americans, and caregivers throughout California, break the cycles of intergenerational and relational trauma so that they can live truly more fulfilling lives. This can look like being more gentle with ourselves and others, while also setting boundaries as needed. It can also look like gaining greater self-awareness and true confidence. In summary, this looks like learning how to stay grounded in who we genuinely are and who we genuinely want to be.

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